I did some more improvements to my ATmega8 library. The wireless / light sensor now reacts to any pulses of light. Whenever the light is de-asserted the counter will increment. Basically I have a function / method for detecting positive edges (sensor is active low). I also added a reaction to the length of time that the wireless sensor is asserted. When the period exceeds a threshold, a status light is asserted and remains asserted until the wireless sensor does not detect the light anymore. I managed salvage the Intel Pentium !!! CPU from the old Compaq desktop. It's a Coppermine revision. I also took the fan and heat sink used to cool the CPU and I've now attached it to my dumb ATmega8 project. It's got three inputs; ground, Vcc and a tachometer output. Since it's only a three terminal fan, the tachometer output is distorted for any PWM input signal. Basically the ideal tachometer output is AND-ed with the input PWM since the tachometer will output a low whenever the PWM is low regardless of whether the tachometer should be outputting a high or low; Tachometer output = (Ideal tachometer output) AND (PWM). I have yet to write a library for abstracting the tachometer output and PWM output and control.
Started photoshopping some cards today. Got a birthday card and two good-bye cards to make. I'm having a photoshopping block. I've run out of ideas for making good-bye cards. Getting harder and harder each year because you can't exactly give someone a card they've seen before . . .
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