Homework: draw CTL for AG EFq and EG AFq.
Minimal set of CTL: EX, EG, EU. Fixed point algorithm to check mdel expressed as minimal CTL. Break the formula into parts. Fixed point algorithms.
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Homework: draw CTL for AG EFq and EG AFq.
Minimal set of CTL: EX, EG, EU. Fixed point algorithm to check mdel expressed as minimal CTL. Break the formula into parts. Fixed point algorithms.
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Lecturer is now answering questions a head of the test.
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Consultation: enough time, reality, genuine effort, intermediate situation, informed, multiple solutions. Talk to the Hapu not the Iwi. The Iwi will see the approach as a threat. The Hapu manages the land so it's more appropriate to negotiate with them.
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DSP are good data processors but are bad control processors. Merge with general processors.
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Indigenous views versus western views. Western views are more concerned with extracting maximum value and money. Indigenous views are more concerned with the interaction of nature and its binding forces.
Maori environmental resource management passed onto generations as mythical stories that are memorable to the children. Whakapapa: Maori genealogy of the environment.
Mauri is the binding lifeforce and intrinsic values of ecosystems: social, economic, environmental, cultural. A distinction between using NPV calculations to make a sustainablility decision because long term effects are not taken into account.
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Return in bonds can be calculated by constant growth model but it is not the preferred model. Bonds should be valued by the yield to maturity.
Karen has forgotten to turn off the sound of her macbook therefore she is too scared to turn it on...
Preferred stocks are valued by the perpetuity model because the dividend is assumed to be constant and expected.
Lecturer is going through a Weighted Average Cost of Capital example. Calculate the percentage of capital from the different sources. Calculate the return from each source. Bonds are taxed. Multiple each weight with it's respective return.
CAPM: Capital asset pricing model. Calculated from face value of return with a multiple of the risk premium added on.
WACC should only be used if the project is a "carbon copy" of the firm. If that is the case then only invest in a project I it's IRR is greater than the return demanded by debt. Carbon copy meaning the nature of the project being very similar to the firm's normal operations.
Increasing debt will increase financial risk, lenders demand higher return, shareholders may require higher return. The WACC may actually increase because the debt no longer remains cheap.
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Typical operations: convolution, correlation, digital filtering, transformation, and modulation.
Input filter > ADC > Digital Processor > DAC > Output filter
Low pass filteringto reduce bandwidth and noise which is usually high frequency. The rest of the lecture is basically a rehash of communications systems.
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Static logics stay fixed over time. Dynamic logic is temporal and is dependent on time, modal logic.
Logic based verification. Kripke structure = < Q, q, Atomic Propositions, ->, L>. Labeling function assigns outputs to states. Transition relation is total to imply no dead locking states. A path is such that a state is related to another state.
Every term must be preceded by a path quantifier to be considered CTL.
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On to topic 6. Cost of capital: in terms of the firm, it is the expected return it's investors expect (how much it costs to borrow). Capital structure: how the firm's capital is made up. Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) made up of debt, preference shares and ordinary shares. Preference shares rank ahead of ordinary shares. Dividends are fixed for preference shares.
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Beta: sensitivity of stock return to market return. Market risk premium: difference between the expected expected market return and Treasury bonds. Capital Asset Pricing Model gives the return on a stock that takes into account the systematic and market risk of the stock. Doesn't take into account for company size and value/growth factor.
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Resource Management (promotes but does not define the use of resources). Regulates use and protection of air and water. Sustainable management of natural and physical resources. Produce an integrated effects based policies. Improve public access to planning and project specifications. Improve Maori consultation. Establishes a specialist Environmental Court.
Building Act. Minerals. Forests. Fisheries. Resource consents still required for external activities.
Lecturer going through a wind farm example. Seems like section 5 (sustainable management) is the main stumbling block for project approval.
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Dataflow Process Networks specify when data is set to be processed. Tokens (number of data packets) specified statically.
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Some acts looked at: energy, minerals. Section 6 states all persons exercising power must take all 4 factors into account.
Treaty principals not race based law, rather, property rights. Lecturer keeps hovering over to us. Dangerous. A lot of the consultation appears to have a spiritual basis. The Crown still vetoes the recommendations by Maori consultants.
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Risk premiums: maturity is the extra return from a long term security, market premium is the return on stocks in excess of risk free return. Risk adverse: taking in risk for higher return. Diversification: spreading risk among different investment. Unique risk: unsystematic,
risk affecting only one firm. Market risk: systematic, economy wide sources of risk that affects the overall stockmarket.
Market risk is the only risk you should be compensating for because a diversified portfolio should already be compensating for unique risk.
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CRAL instructions. These are concurrent reactive functions with 4 pseudo instructions.
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Partition refinement: separating a set into mutually exclusive sets. Greatest fixed point: start with the largest set and apply a transformation function such that the next set settles down to itself. Least fixed point: start with the smallest set and apply a function such that it continues to grow until it reaches saturation.
Going through the bisinulation algorithm which is quite a complex ball of steps. matchP is a set where the elements belongs to the partition such that the transitions on an action is not null or itself.
Weak bisimulation is observational equivalence.
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Real & flexible options: making follow-on investments (following projects will make a higher return bit requires the initial investment), bailing out or abandoning (selling the project for a high value), switching production (flexible facilities), time investment (delaying or fast tracking based on valuations of product being sold).
New module on risk and the cost of capital opportunity. Volatility: shares > bonds > bills. Risk: the dispersion of possible outcomes around the expected outcome. Measured statistically with the standard deviation.
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Two big trends: tendung towards or at a ubiquitous society. Ubiquitous society is society in which innovation of society occurs through the improvement of industrial productivity. The steps in realization by things being intelligent and networking: computerization, online step (cyber space), convergence step (broadband), then the ubiquitous step.
Networking + smart + mobility. Diffusion of digital convergence in social economy. IT based convergence -> industry + industry. Convergence between different genre -> generate new trends. Three areas in future digital convergence: Human + IT, Things + IT, Space + IT.
The objective of paradigm change is the improvement in the quality of life: technology, social structure, culture, physical. Intelligent services: context aware, personalized and customized, adaptive, automative. Quality of life: social aspects - happiness, good relationship, health - physical, mental intellectual, satisfaction - work, sacrifice, happiness. Intelligent services should improve people's quality of life. Examples: I-pot and the Nike+ products.
The use of the Internet for entertainment is great in Korea. A lot of money to be had in creating online versions of reallife entertainment solutions. Personal life extending into the Internet. Some fairly bad influences on personal life: online brotherhood, dialog through SMS, netizen communication language, always on generation.
Concept of ubiquitous robot companion: robots that provide various requested services whenever and wherever. Sensors embedded everywhere in the environment. Use distribution of robot parts to utilize the maximum robot function. Robot simulacrum protocol used for communicating with thin client robots.
Research into providing service for the elderly throgh care robots. Robot made for gauging the health of the elderly person. It is not used for taking care of them.
The assumption is that devices are used as the primary way of dealling with people's quality of life. Robots are still a foreign so people's initial reactions are probably negative. Emotion needs to be added torobots to give them a human touch. Improve the number of smiles.
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Challenges to budgeting: ensuring consisten forecasts, conflict of interests, forecast bias, identifying good projects. Handling uncertainty meet in projects. Accounting break even is flawed because it doesn't take into account the initial outlay of the investment that needs to be recovered. NPV is better as it turns the initial outlay into an annuity. Sensitivity, scenario and break even analysis.
Going back to inflation. Be consistent in handling inflation. Use nominal interest rates with nominal cash flows. Likewise, use real interest rates with real cash flows. Real analysis is harder.
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Best to look at finance notes.
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Motivation for reactive processors: remove polling of environment, Esterel. Current Esterel approaches to compilation: software that creates code that can run on general processors, hardware that creates gate-level netlist or state machines. New proposed approach uses reactive processors to create simplified code and speed ups.
ReMIC has a non-reactive core with a RISC like processor. Going through the data and control path of the processor.
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Some factors: Strut failures due to fracturing of wielded legs, opening angle, size, age, material used, people who wielded the struts.
Markov analysis done for who should get surgery to replace the valves. Has a confidence interval as well as the average success rate. Ethics coming into play. Negligence and salvaging bad products. Class lawsuits against Pfizer (new owner).
Types of ethics that can be invoked:
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Comparing investments of unequal periods: Find the lowest common multiple between the periods so that you are comparing fairly, or change the cash flow stream into an eqivalent annual annuity, or calculate the profitability index when capital is limited. Capital rationing for setting limits on funds for an investment.
New module: cash flows. Incremental: indirect efforts, sunk costs, opportunity costs, investment in working capital, overhead costs, ignore financing flows.
Calculating cash flow: investment from fixed assets (initial/salvage) + investment from working capital (accounts receivables/inventory) + from operations (revenue - cash expenses - taxes paid).
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Just spent the whole day down in Hamilton for a job interview. Six others, all from the University of Auckland, travelled down. Took around one and a half hours each way. I wouldn't have been a pleasant journey if you didn't make sure your bladder was empty. If not, you'd be squirming to flush our your memory leak. Core dumps can be archived.
The first test was an IQ test which constisted mainly of words and number associations. Then there were different tests for people who were going for different positions: VHDL and software. For VHDL, the test was not timed. The software test, which I was originally given, came in three parts: Algorithms, Linux proficiency, and C code.
The algorithm part was not do-able at all. I didn't understand the significance of the big O notation, space, and amortise of the functions we had to write:
Lecturer using the Gordon ratio to explain the 25% market downturn. Dividends are going down because profits are getting tighter. Investors are looking for higher returns because investors are more risk-adverse.
Starting on a new module concerned with investment appraisal techniques. Using NPV to determine of the project is worth while.
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Hybrid Reactive Architecture is biased towards FPGA implementation because of the use of embedded shared memories. Allows the integration of application specific programmes which is hardware with ReMIC which is software.
SystemJ: Java + Esterel + Communicating synchronous processClick domains connected with asynchronous channels. Java is non-deterministic but has threading support. Each clock domain contains reactions which are sequential instructions combined concurrently with signals between each other. SystemJ source code is translated to hardware and software components throgh Asynchronous Graph Code.
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Lecture seems geared at creating good scientific claims. Telling us the motivations behind experiments. Sociologists and physicists playing pranks on each other by submitting bogus papers.
Assessing one's conscience when undertaking scientific work. Taking into account what is happening around them. Not disclosing information or findings that could be used for harm.
Whistle blower protection.
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Instead of discountign future dividends to reach the final selling price, use some assumptions: Zero growth where EPS = Dividends per share; Constant growth where dividends grow in a compounded; Non - constant growth where a piecewise dividend rate is used.
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ReMIC extended to be realtime. Timers can be defined and connect timeout signals to task release signals.
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Two types of semantics: operational (rules) and denotational (objects). External non-determinism: system makes a choice. Notion of concurrency is interleaved as it is assumed that asynchronous concurrency is employed by the system.
Processes with the same trace set may not behave equivalently.
Homework: Poset, Preorder, Total order, Equivalence, Power set.
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Corporate bond innovations: zero coupons where bonds are sold at a deep discount; floating rate bonds have their coupon rate reset periodically; convertible bond where bonds can be converted to shares.
Lecturer forgot that he skipped a couple of slides on Wednesday. Realised yield is tangible. Bond valuation now finished.
Valuing shares: Net Tangible Asset; earnings per share * P/E multiple; discounted cash flow.
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