About Me

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Part 4 physics presentations

Missed the first presentation.

Anna Yang - Mechanical model of the breast
  • Aid clinicians
  • Cancer research
  • Segmentation of regions from MR images
  • Three interests: Air, skin, fat
  • Using active contour models to find a 3D model from a series of pictures.

Matthew Walbran - All fibre Coherent Anti-stokes Raman Scattering
  • CARS for spectroscopy
  • Multiplex CARS to cut down tuning time.
  • Fibre being an optical fibre.

Ihab Ramadaan - Investigating the use of "colour" spectral CT
  • Imaging modality
  • Distinguishing different oragans/tissues
  • Current techiques use markers but triple xray doses and time. Also dual energy scans but again double the time and xray. Also spectral CT works like RGB
  • LHC = Large Hadron Collider
  • Testing spectral CT and acquisition developed in collaboration with the university of Canterbury.
  • Stopping power determined by the sensor layer.

Yukti Srivastava - Construction of an EDFA for use in an adavance lab
Speaker is crazy with the laser pointer. She needs a light saber!
  • Amplification of light in long fibres.
  • Connectorised components of the lab equipment.

Pratik Raval - LED as replacements to traditional lighting.
  • Light is confined in LEDs because of internal reflection. Angle of illumination is small as well.
  • Thermal management of LEDs due to thermal output over a small component size.
Poor guy. Not sure what his contributions were.

Jason Kuo - Bacterial tagging with optode
  • Using labview and a single fibre probe
  • Ended up a two fibre probe to compact coupling issues causing an irregular peak.

Amy Lin - Construction of a femtosecond Kerr shutter
  • Need to combact "chirp" in super-continuum production
  • Super-continuum source
  • Optical delay line
  • Polarizer
  • Kerr medium
  • Orthoginally, a femtosecond pulse source
  • Analyzer

Kaidi Liang - Super-continuum generation
  • Making tapers for super-continuum generation
  • Third order effects most prominent in super-continuum generation
  • Taper = heating a fibre and stretching under control.
Terminology issue: core

Neil Alan Campbell - Determining iron loading using MRI T2* decay curves
  • Iron loading is the amount of iron in tissue.
  • MRI for determining iron loading without having to take biopsies.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Writing for academic publication

Gina Wisker

Why publish:
  • Finish PhD
  • Confidence in writing skills
  • Stop head spinning
  • Connecting with community
  • Sharing your research
  • People need to know your idea
  • Get feedback
  • Peer reviewed
What is stopping you:
  • Lack of confidence
  • Discourse
  • Not ready or fully developed thoughts
  • Fulfilling other obligations
  • Being a perfectionist
What helps you:
  • Deadlines with consequences
  • Presentation to colleges - views - ideas
  • Reading others' work
  • People supporting you for the effort
  • Teaching in anyway - coherent communication
What is appropriate to write and publish now?
  • Initial results and PhD direction
What you have been working on?
  • Getting familiar with tools to develop on top.
Who are you doing it for?
  • Supervisor: So they know I'm on track
  • Myself: Marks the first start of my PhD research
  • Community: Thoughts and feedback
Main issues to explore
Theories to use
Research to be done
What's done already by me?
Someone else


Calls to papers
What do the publishers like?
What do the editors like?

How does it contribute? What does it contribute? Why does this matter?

Publication / Conference
  • Publications are shorter
  • Conferences written in speech
  • Catch the butterflies in the conference and write them in the publication