About Me

Friday, February 26, 2010


Patterns of behaviour
  • Overcommitting
  • Never saying no
  • Getting distracted
  • Perfectionism (measuring against)

Impostures syndrome
  • One step away from being found out as a fraud
  • Keep being an impostor
  • Others are also impostors

Saying no
  • Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs)
  • More Accurate Thoughts (MATHs)
  • ANTs ... and so ... MATHs

It's the thought that counts
  • Depends what you do with the thoughts.
  • Event -> Beliefs (intervening probabilities) -> Feelings

Twisted thinking (wrong conclusions -> wrong actions)
  • All or nothing
  • Over generalisation
  • Mental filter
  • Discounting the positives
  • Jumping to conclusions
  • Magnification
  • Emotional reasoning (feelings as facts)
  • Shoulds (assuming how things should be)
  • Labelling
  • Personalisation and blame

  • Avoidance strategies
  • Action -> Motivation -> Action -> More action
  • Break into smaller pieces
  • Procrastinators: Leaders of Tomorrow
Time management
  • Velcro fingers
  • The three D's
    • Do it
    • Diarise
    • Ditch it
  • Pareto principle (80/20)
    • 20% of the work leads to 80% of the output
Circles of influence
  • Core: Can control
  • Inner circle: Can influence
  • Outer circle: Can't control

Writing is not recording, it is thinking