About Me

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Derek Handley

  • 2001
  • Mobile advertising communications.
  • Agencies didn't know how big or how fast the mobile advertising would get.
  • Realized that the agencies would start to competing against each other so decided to go straight to the client.
  • Connect brands with their consumers using mobile SMS.
  • Business plan becomes a bog scribble.
  • Believed in the vision.
  • Checking-in to make site you're going towards the goal.
  • Using New Zealand as a test bed doesn't really work.
  • Get a foot in with Saachi & Saachi through a friend.
  • Dad had to mortgage his house for a quarter of a million dollars.
  • Prepared to take the risk to see the rewards?
  • Trouble: you have money. Tend to spend it too fast. Lose focus. Went to raise money from the market too late because of the global financial crisis.
  • Trim down the business.
  • When looking for capital, they got an offer to sell the business to a media company.
  • Took one year to wind back and correct the misalignment and different visions and bad hires.
  • Unwritten values hampered the hiring process.
  • Global benchmarking.
  • Time. Start early. The later you start, the more barriers that will come up.
  • If the customer wants customized products then you end up being a customized services business.